Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fun With Collective Nouns

A Murmuration of Starlings by Flickr user "Adam"

A collective noun, also known as terms of venery, refers to the term used to describe a group of individuals or animals. Sometimes these terms can change just by the action of the animals in the group. For instance, a gaggle is a term of venery for a flock of geese that isn't in flight; in flight, the group can be called a skein.

Listed below are some of the more colorful nouns used to describe different species of birds:

  • A Chiming or Tintinnabulation of Bellbirds
  • A Congress of Boobies
  • A Mural or Palette of Painted Buntings
  • A Baffle of Buffleheads
  • A Banditry of Black-capped Chickadees
  • A Earful of Waxwings
  • A Conspiracy of Ravens
  • A Cackle of Grackles
  • A Improbability or Circus of Puffins
  • A Jar of Nuthatches

Have one that you find particularly funny? Share it in the comments!


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