Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Corner Brook CBC Results (2013)

Lois Bateman of the Humber Natural History Society was kind enough to forward the results of the recent Corner Brook Christmas Bird Count which saw up to 6000 birds spanning 38 different species. While the overall number is slightly lower than in other years, those who participated were rewarded with such highlights as the American three-toed Woodpecker, the Black-backed Woodpecker, and the Willow Ptarmigan.

Canada Goose20American three-toed Woodpecker2
American Black Duck87Northern Shrikecw
Mallard5Blue Jay51
Greater Scaup142American Crow412
Common Goldeneye211Common Raven53
Barrow’s Goldeneye2Black-capped Chickadee50
Common Merganser38Boreal Chickadee6
Ruffed Grouse6Red-breasted Nuthatch4
Spruce Grouse2Brown Creepercw
Willow Ptarmigan1Golden-crowned Kingletcw
Bald Eagle33American Robincw
Sharp-shinned Hawk1European Starling231
Ring-billed Gull30Bohemian Waxwing331
Herring Gull2049Dark-eyed Junco74
Iceland Gull42Pine Grosbeak19
Glaucous Gull92Purple Finch1
Great Black-backed Gull1347White-winged Crossbill3
Rock Pigeon177Common Redpoll5
Belted KingfishercwPine Siskin1
Downy Woodpecker3American Goldfinch109
Hairy Woodpecker5House Sparrow307
Black-backed Woodpecker2

Did you take part in the Christmas Bird Count? Tell us about it in the comments.

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