Saturday, August 23, 2014

Poll: Top 5 Survival Tools

Pelican case survival kit

Pelican Case Survival Kit, Photo by Ian (Flickr)

Benjamin Franklin once said: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” This statement couldn't be any more true than it is in a survival situation. We must plan for the unexpected. Last week I asked reddit users for their top five survival items, items that are always on their person or close at hand. I was impressed with how closely the results represented Dave Canterbury's First Five C's of Survival. Here they are:
5. First Aid Kit 
It is important to carry a first aid kit in your backpack, regardless of the amount of time you plan to spend on the trail. It is equally important to become familiar with your kit and know how to use each item packed inside. We suggest stashing a few band-aids and alcohol swabs in an easily accessible area and some larger bandages, gauze, tape and medication such as pain killers or personal prescriptions in your main kit.
4. Fire Starter 
I strongly believe that everyone should have at least three different ways to start a fire. For me, I often carry a butane lighter - the kind that acts like a mini blowtorch. Surprisingly, the majority of those who answered on reddit prefer to carry some form of FireSteel, perhaps due to its durability, waterproof design and longevity.
3. Stainless Steel Bottle 
Staying hydrated means staying alive. Carrying a stainless steel water bottle means having a durable vessel to collect and store water. It also means that you will be able to boil water or melt snow to make it safe to drink because lets face it: diarrhea isn't fun at home let alone out in the wild.
2. Waterproof Shelter 
It's important to stay dry in a survival situation, especially in Newfoundland where the days are cold and the nights colder. For this reason, you need the ability to quickly erect a shelter to keep you warm and dry. A simple tarp or garbage bag will often serve you well even though some folks will opt for a rain poncho or high end bivvy.
1. Knife 
I can't say that I was surprised to see that everyone listed a knife as part of their survival kit. Why wouldn't they? Some of the first knives date back as far as two million years ago when blades were made from rock and bone and lashed to a wooden handle for ease of use. Knives have evolved alongside humans and have been carefully crafted throughout history from copper, bronze, iron and steel. Today's knife designs often utilize stainless or carbon steel blades with a full tang—the steel extending into the handle—that allows the user to perform an array of tasks ranging from meal preparation to splitting firewood.
How do you feel about this list? Are there some items not listed here that you wouldn't leave home without? Tell us all about it in the comments!

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