Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Corner Brook CBC Results (2015)

Here is a list of birds counted at this years Corner Brook Christmas Bird Count. It was a cold and drizzly morning but that didn't stop the forty-odd people who counted on the go or at their feeder. The final tally lists 37 species and 8638 individuals, a number higher than recorded in recent years. While I didn't get out personally for the count this year, I would like send out a huge thank-you to those that did.

Canada Goose7Downy Woodpecker3
American Black Duck85Hairy Woodpecker5
Greater Scaup142Merlin1
Common Goldeneye99Blue Jay112
Common Merganser56American Crow416
Red-breasted Merganser1Common Raven 12
Ruffed GrouseCWBlack-capped Chickadee140
Common Loon1Boreal Chickadee8
Sharp-shinned Hawk1Red-breasted Nuthatch6
Northern Goshawk1American Robin8
Bald Eagle8European Starling364
Black Guillemot2Dark-eyed Junco94
Ring-billed Gull9White-throated Sparrow6
Herring Gull4315Pine Grosbeak22
Iceland Gull989White-winged Crossbill77
Glaucous Gull16Common Redpoll86
Great Black-backed Gull  950Pine Siskin8
Rock Pigeon56American Goldfinch323
House Sparrow209

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